
来自美国Texas州San Antonio市

  • 身高: 5'10" / 178 cm
  • 体重: 165 lbs / 75 kg
  • 体型: 身材匀称
  • 头发颜色: 深棕色, 短发
  • 眼睛: 淡褐色
  • 种族: 白种人/高加索人
  • 星座:: 天秤座 天秤座

最后一次更新: 2023年8月6日
入会时间: 2019年11月11日

用户名: Otsegolation
会员编号: 897865



最后一次更新: 2023年8月6日
入会时间: 2019年11月11日

用户名: Otsegolation
会员编号: 897865





Dad. University student. Tinker nerd. Video games. Movies. Science documentaries. Amateur radio. Amateur radioastronomy. Metallurgy. Camping. Shaolin Kung Fu.

I have a job. I make money. I am not rich. I will never be rich. Some of you look beautiful like a supermodel and I suspect you will focus on money. This is not me! :-)

I am fit, but not overly strong. Strong-willed but open-minded, independent, and fair. I am not an Alpha male. I am definitely a Sigma male. I will not mesh well with an Alpha female.

My play style is more Rogue than Barbarian. 😏
Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral.

I live in San Antonio and also have some very small land in the country outside the city. I like dogs and cats and chickens and all animals really.

I have two little boys, a dog, and a kitten! :-)
**I'm looking for someone to expand my Soccer team with** 😏😉


A lovely young lady who wants a loving man for a family!

Someone from another culture and language is exciting and fun to me!

Someone who finds me attractive.

Someone who wants for an intellectual relationship.

I do not require a "perfect" physical woman... There are many attributes that attract me. I would like someone who I can feel passionately obsessed with and build a life around... And hopefully we can grow old together.

I only require one such woman. Sadly, my previous wife has moved on... But the happy thought is to seek love again!

If your profile says, "Plans on having children: Not Sure" I will likely move on. If it says, "No." I will definitely move on. My Children are the greatest joy I have ever experienced... And I want to share that with someone again, soon, for certain! This is probably my only true "non-compromise"... 🤷🏻‍♂️


** I am beginning to tire of this site. There are many girls who say they want to be with an older man, but apparently are scam or have not thought about it. Please don't bother me unless you are interested in marriage. I want to have babies and a loving mother to live together forever. No games. Scam girls: I will require a "prenuptial agreement". Do not contact me for a free ticket to USA. Do not contact me to ask for money. I have children to care for. I am a university student. I do not have free money for you. Even if you are beautiful! NO "ONLY FANS" NO “Hey Baby. Here’s my WhatsApp” 🤦🏻‍♂️.

Thanks! **


  1. 英语 (母语), 西班牙语 (基本水平)
  2. 正就读大学
  3. 技术/科学/工程
  4. 不可知论者
  5. 离异
  6. 小孩与我生活在一起
  7. 不吸烟
  8. 仅限社交场合


  1. 善于沟通, 古怪, 友好/善良, 温和, 幽默/机智, 聪明/机灵, 务实, 有拖延症, 敏感/充满爱/慈爱, 严肃/有责任感, 复杂/世故, 健谈, 不落俗套/无拘无束
  2. 骑行, 登山/散步, 打猎/打渔, 纵列式滑冰/轮式溜冰, 武术, 举重
  3. 露营, 钓鱼/打猎, 园艺/景观美化, 爱好与手工艺品, 与朋友聚会, 看电影/视频, 博物馆与艺术, 听音乐/音乐会, 玩牌, 旅游/观光, 电子游戏, 观看体育赛事
  4. 无偏好, 美国菜, 烧烤, 中国菜/点心, 熟食, 快餐/披萨, 德国菜, 意大利菜, 墨西哥菜, 心灵食物
  5. 原声乐器, 另类摇滚, 蓝调, 经典摇滚, 古典乐, 舞曲/电子乐, 迪斯科, 民谣, 重金属摇滚, 器乐曲, 现代摇滚, 新世纪音乐, 流行音乐, 朋克, 饶舌/嘻哈乐, 雷鬼乐, 摇滚, 灵魂/嘻哈乐, 世界音乐/种族音乐
  6. 经典名著, 杂志, 报纸, 纪实小说, 行业杂志
