Rose Brides



Dari Bronx, New York, AS

Pria 33 thn mencari wanita 25-33 thn
  • Tinggi: 5'7" / 171 cm
  • Berat: 190 lbs / 86 kg
  • Tipe tubuh: Sedang
  • Rambut: Hitam, Panjang
  • Mata: Hitam
  • Etnik: India Timur
  • Zodiak:: Taurus Taurus

Aktif dalam 3 minggu
Pembaharuan terakhir: March 17, 2024
Anggota sejak: March 16, 2024

Nama pengguna: Jensensational
ID Anggota: 1261358
Laporkan Penyalahgunaan

Peringkat profil:


Aktif dalam 3 minggu
Pembaharuan terakhir: March 17, 2024
Anggota sejak: March 16, 2024

Nama pengguna: Jensensational
ID Anggota: 1261358
Laporkan Penyalahgunaan

Peringkat profil:


Foto Saya

Tentang Saya dalam penuturan saya sendiri

Times are REALLY rough when i have to go on a site like this. Not proud of it, yet here we are. I work in healthcare in NY. I'm a fun, well organized, guy who appreciates the simple things in life: a roof over the head, food on the table, hilarious company to converse with, a good movie/tv show to watch, nice books to read, a beautiful sunset view & a good nights sleep. Looking to find someone compatible to settle down with, get married, start a family and living our best lives as possible.

Tentang Pasangan Serasi saya

I value kindness, empathy, honesty, being romantic, integrity and being genuine. Looking for someone who believes in the value of monogamy and concept of life partner as much as i do. Other qualities that I look for are good humor, personality, someone who is self aware and very mindful. At this point in my life, i'm looking for someone who is ready to settle down, start a family, travel, learn and grow together. If you don't want kids then thats a dealbreaker for me, but i do wish you the best in life. If you feel that we have these shared values in common, please do reach out to me and we'll take it from there ;)

Tentang Diri Saya

  1. Inggris (lancar)
  2. Sarjana
  3. Medis/Kesehatan/Kebugaran/Pelayanan Sosial
  4. Kristen
  5. Belum Menikah
  6. Saya tidak punya anak
  7. Ya
  8. Tidak merokok
  9. Tidak pernah

Kepribadian dan Minat:

  1. Tenang, Komunikatif, Santai/Fleksibel/Terbuka, Ramah/Baik, Lemah Lembut, Humoris/Jenaka, Intelektual/Cerdas, Optimistik, Praktis, Romantis, Percaya Diri, Sensitif/Perhatian/Kasih, Serius/Bertanggung Jawab, Sederhana, Rohani
  2. Badminton/Olah raga raket, Bowling, Mendaki/Berjalan, Jogging/Lari, Sepak Bola, Angkat Besi
  3. Kopi dan percakapan, Hobi dan kerajinan, Pertemuan/Teman-teman, Film/Video, Museum dan seni, Musik dan konser, Video game
  4. Tidak ada Preferensi
  5. Akustik, Rock n 'Roll Klasik, Country, Dansa/Elektronika, Mudah didengarkan, Folk, Hard Rock & Metal, Instrumental, Jazz, Lama, Punk, Rock, Soul/R&B, Soundtrack, Musik Dunia/Etnis
  6. Komik, Fiksi, Koran, Puisi

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