Rose Brides



Dari San Diego, California, AS

Pria 18 thn mencari wanita 18-35 thn
  • Tinggi: 5'8" / 173 cm
  • Berat: 137 lbs / 62 kg
  • Tipe tubuh: Kekar
  • Rambut: Coklat tua, Pendek
  • Mata: Coklat Tua
  • Etnik: Kepulauan Pasifik
  • Zodiak:: Virgo Virgo

Aktif dalam 1 minggu
Pembaharuan terakhir: May 28, 2024
Anggota sejak: May 1, 2024

Nama pengguna: Joseph1357
ID Anggota: 1272364
Laporkan Penyalahgunaan

Peringkat profil:


Aktif dalam 1 minggu
Pembaharuan terakhir: May 28, 2024
Anggota sejak: May 1, 2024

Nama pengguna: Joseph1357
ID Anggota: 1272364
Laporkan Penyalahgunaan

Peringkat profil:


Tentang Saya dalam penuturan saya sendiri

I'm Joseph, a guy who loves to strum the guitar and jam out to some heavy metal tunes in my free time. There's something about the raw energy of metal music that gets me pumped up. And when I'm not rocking out, you can find me lost in a good book, exploring new worlds and letting my imagination run wild.🤘😝🤘

When the music fades, I dive headfirst into the world of literature, immersing myself in captivating stories and exploring new realms of imagination. But don't let my bookish side fool you – weekends are reserved for thrilling adventures and spontaneous escapades, keeping life endlessly exciting.🛣️🌆

What truly sets me apart is my unwavering ambition and relentless pursuit of dreams. With a heart full of aspirations and meticulously crafted plans to achieve them, I'm a force to be reckoned with.✍️📉

But beneath the ambition lies a heart of gold – a traditional gentleman who values honor, protection, and romance. As a provider and protector, I embody the essence of chivalry, making every moment feel like a fairytale.🥀

In my career as a door-to-door sales representative for a general contracting company, I shine bright, effortlessly captivating hearts with my charisma and charm.💵

So, if you're seeking someone who's equal parts rockstar and romantic, look no further than me.👋

Tentang Pasangan Serasi saya

"Seeking a woman of elegance and grace, who cherishes traditional values and embodies the essence of femininity. Someone whose nurturing spirit extends effortlessly to the heart of our home, ensuring our future is built on love and care. A partner who values the art of homemaking and embraces the joy of raising a family together. She is a princess in her own right, deserving of love, respect, and admiration. Together, we'll complement each other, her gentle strength balancing my resolve, creating a harmony that defines us as equals in every way."

Tentang Diri Saya

  1. Inggris (lancar)
  2. Periklanan/Pemasaran/PR
  3. Kristen
  4. Belum Menikah
  5. Saya tidak punya anak
  6. Ya
  7. Tidak merokok
  8. Kadang-kadang

Kepribadian dan Minat:

  1. Petualang/Liar/Spontan, Genit/Suka bercanda, Humoris/Jenaka, Intelektual/Cerdas, Ramah, Percaya Diri, Serius/Bertanggung Jawab
  2. Bersepeda, Mendaki/Berjalan, Berburu/Memancing, Pencak Silat, Panjat Tebing, Bermain Selancar/Seluncur salju/Papan luncur, Angkat Besi
  3. Memancing/Berburu, Hobi dan kerajinan, Musik dan konser, Travel/Tamasya, Menonton olahraga
  4. Amerika, Barbekyu, Cajun/Utara, Cina/Dim Sum, Deli, Cepat saji/Pizza, Italia, Korea, Meksiko, Thai
  5. Rock n 'Roll Klasik, Hard Rock & Metal, Rock n 'Roll Modern, Punk, Rock
  6. Klasik, Fiksi, Bukan Fiksi, Novel

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