
Vancouver, Canadá

Homem de 49 anos procurando mulher de 24-39
  • Altura: 5'9" / 174 cm
  • Peso: 289 lbs / 131 kg
  • Tipo de Corpo: Alguns quilos acima do peso
  • Cabelo: Castanho-escuro, Curto
  • Olhos: Castanho-esverdeado
  • Etnia: Branco/Caucasiano
  • Signo do Zodíaco:: Touro Touro

Ativo dentro de 2 meses
31 de dezembro de 2023
Membro desde:
14 de dezembro de 2023

Nome de usuário: retroflambe
ID de membro: 1240439
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Ativo dentro de 2 meses
31 de dezembro de 2023
Membro desde:
14 de dezembro de 2023

Nome de usuário: retroflambe
ID de membro: 1240439
Denunciar Abuso

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Minhas Fotos

Quem sou eu em minhas próprias palavras

Looking for love and romance in all the wrong and right places

It's really hard to talk about yourself without sounding like a braggart. Or worse like a bit of an idiot. I suppose what I'm looking for most is someone who would like to live life with a partner, a true partner, a partner in crime, a partner in life.

I'm embarking on a new chapter of my life and the one thing that's missing is someone to do it with, when you're single, you're basically living on hard mode, when you have a partner, someone you can rely on, and trust and confide in, someone who gets you, life becomes a whole lot easier.

I am by no means perfect, I am definitely not looking for perfection, just perfect for me. For the longest time I didn't think I wanted to get married or have a family. That however, has changed and my priorities have shifted so I'm looking for someone who would like to move to Canada and start a new life with me. For the next 5 years at the very least, I have to stay in Canada. But that doesn't mean that I can't go elsewhere after that in fact, if any anything I would thoroughly enjoy going somewhere else.

What I'm looking for is my last serious relationship, one that would hopefully turn into marriage.

Sobre o meu par

Funny, smart, ambitious, truthful, has dreams and goals and will allow me to stand beside them and help when they want it, and just be non-judgmental.

Humor is another good one. Ambition, likes cinema, movies, theatre, art galleries, or anything creative, I'm not picky, I'm really not, in fact I prefer a diverse set of interests.

You'd need to be interested in moving to Canada, as my life is here for the next 5 years, after that, the world is our oyster, and as Shakespeare once said, "all the world is a stage".

Quem sou eu

  1. Inglês (nativo)
  2. Bacharelado
  3. Viagens/Recreação/Lazer/Hotelaria
  4. Solteiro
  5. Eu não tenho filhos
  6. Sim
  7. Não fumo
  8. Socialmente

Personalidade e interesses

  1. Aventureiro/Louco/Espontâneo, Artístico, Comunicativo, Excêntrico, Paquerador/brincalhão, Bem-humorado/Espirituoso, Intelectual/Inteligente, Prático, Romântico, Romântico, Seguro de si mesmo, Sensível/Protetor/Carinhoso, Sociável, Teimoso
  2. Náutica/Vela/Rafting, Jetski, Surfar/Snowboard/Skate, Natação/Mergulho
  3. Café e conversar, Cozinhar, Sair para jantar, Passatempos e artesanato, Filmes/Vídeos, Museus e arte, Música e Shows, Artes cênicas, Fazer compras/Antiguidades, Teatro
  4. Nenhuma preferência
  5. Alternativa, Big band/Swing, Blues, Rock n' Roll Clássico, Dance/Eletrônica, Instrumental, Jazz, Rock n' Roll Moderno, New Age, Pop, Punk, Rock, Trilhas Sonoras, Música do mundo/Étnica
  6. Clássicos, História em Quadrinhos, Ficção, Revistas, Jornais, Não Ficção, Novelas, Poesia

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