Rose Brides



Dari George, Afrika Selatan

Pria 30 thn mencari wanita 18-28 thn
  • Tinggi: 5'5" / 166 cm
  • Berat: 344 lbs / 156 kg
  • Tipe tubuh: Padat berisi
  • Rambut: Pirang gelap, Sedang
  • Mata: Biru
  • Etnik: Kulit putih/Kaukasia
  • Zodiak:: Sagittarius Sagittarius

Pembaharuan terakhir: February 8, 2023
Anggota sejak: October 23, 2021

Nama pengguna: donovandata
ID Anggota: 1104287
Laporkan Penyalahgunaan

Peringkat profil:


Pembaharuan terakhir: February 8, 2023
Anggota sejak: October 23, 2021

Nama pengguna: donovandata
ID Anggota: 1104287
Laporkan Penyalahgunaan

Peringkat profil:


Foto Saya

Tentang Saya dalam penuturan saya sendiri

I'm a hardworking man with many hobbies and a deep knowledge of the world.
I enjoy intellectually stimulating work, gardening, making music, analysing movies and traveling.

I am a deep thinker and I pay great attention to everyone in my life.
I am the type of man people come to to help solve their problems and turn to for support.
I am extremely reliable.
I respect people who have earned it and I give everyone a chance.

I understand myself very well and communication is extremely important for me.
I like challenging those around me to become more successful and grow as individuals.
I am fiercely loyal and respect those that show their loyalty often.
I am not religious but I respect other religions - if I had to choose a religion based on lifestyle I would probably choose Buddhism.

I like experiencing things that not everyone can and I am not looking for a normal life.
INTP / ENTP - with a drive for validation

Tentang Pasangan Serasi saya

Someone who can pull me away from my mentally-intensive work and hobbies and help round me out as an individual by getting be back into nature and being active.

Someone who is deeply understanding of themselves and what they want in life with the courage to go get it.
Brutally honest.
Open minded & down to earth.

I am building an empire & whoever I am with I expect to have the same drive to support my ambitions.
Either by matching my ambition or by creating a fantastic synergy of support.

I feel deeply & I am looking for a stable person that feels deeply too without losing control.

Tentang Diri Saya

  1. Inggris (asli), Belanda (dasar), Swedia (dasar)
  2. Teknisi/Sains/Insinyur
  3. Agnostis
  4. Belum Menikah
  5. Saya tidak punya anak
  6. Ya
  7. Tidak merokok
  8. Sosial

Kepribadian dan Minat:

  1. Petualang/Liar/Spontan, Argumentatif, Artistik, Tenang, Komunikatif, Kompulsif, Santai/Fleksibel/Terbuka, Eksentrik, Genit/Suka bercanda, Ramah/Baik, Perhatian tinggi, Humoris/Jenaka, Intelektual/Cerdas, Optimistik, Gigih, Praktis, Romantis, Romantis, Percaya Diri, Sensitif/Perhatian/Kasih, Serius/Bertanggung Jawab, Ahli/duniawi, Latah, Tidak Konvensional/Berjiwa bebas
  2. Mendaki/Berjalan, Jogging/Lari, Terjun Payung/Layang Gantung/Terbang, Angkat Besi, Yoga/Meditasi
  3. Kopi dan percakapan, Makan malam di luar, Berkebun/Pertamanan, Film/Video, Museum dan seni, Musik dan konser, Politik, Belanja/Barang Antik, Travel/Tamasya, Video game
  4. Barbekyu, Cina/Dim Sum, Cepat saji/Pizza, Italia, Jepang/Sushi, Korea, Meksiko, Makanan Laut
  5. Alternatif, Rock n 'Roll Klasik, Klasik, Country, Dansa/Elektronika, Folk, Hard Rock & Metal, Rock n 'Roll Modern, Punk, Rap/Hip-Hop, Rock
  6. Fiksi, Jurnal Perdagangan

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