
Warsaw, Missouri, Estados Unidos

Homem de 44 anos procurando mulher de 25-40
  • Altura: 5'5" / 166 cm
  • Peso: 165 lbs / 75 kg
  • Tipo de Corpo: Encorpado
  • Cabelo: Loiro escuro, Curto
  • Olhos: Verde-acinzentado
  • Etnia: Branco/Caucasiano
  • Signo do Zodíaco:: Gêmeos Gêmeos

Ativo dentro de 10 meses
12 de junho de 2023
Membro desde:
7 de junho de 2023

Nome de usuário: SianLogic
ID de membro: 1207296
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Seu voto:

Ativo dentro de 10 meses
12 de junho de 2023
Membro desde:
7 de junho de 2023

Nome de usuário: SianLogic
ID de membro: 1207296
Denunciar Abuso

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Seu voto:

Quem sou eu em minhas próprias palavras

I'm a psuedo-intellectual hermit. A few years ago I moved halfway across the country, alone, to a small town as a way to somewhat escape from society and hopefully live a low stress life at my poor-man's paradise. I replaced human companionship with four dogs and a cat.

When I was young, I had a relationship with someone who was 100% all-in. I was too stupid and inexperienced to realize what I had with her, and I ruined it. I haven't been able to find anyone since that was able to give themselves to me like that. Anything less doesn't work. I need to know and to genuinely feel that you're all-in. Today's mindset is all about "What do I get out of it?" and "We need to have x, y, z in common." What really matters is how you feel when you look at someone, hear their voice or smell their farts (errr.. I mean deoderant/cologne.). If that feeling tells you 'Yes, this is right. This makes me happy.' then the rest will sort itself out as long as you are willing to go all-in. Don't get caught up in the millions of details as it will always lead to failure.

So... if after looking at this picture of a short, old, fat man with a self-inflicted efficiency haircut and white beard, you not only feel a lady-boner forming but also have an insatiable desire to make him happy... you may proceed. Don't hesitate. Move forward with confidence. Integrate yourself into my life as if you have always been here. Natural, normal. I am your home. I am where you belong. I promise I'm not starting a cult :P

Sobre o meu par

I envision being with someone who can make our house a home. Motivate me and help me with home improvement projects. Give the dogs some love. And the cat. The poor cat gets left out because the dogs are always in the way.

Be happy with a simple life. Accept my differences. Open your heart. Always be honest. Don't make me guess about your feelings. Show me your love. Make our life together your first priority. Be a positive force in my life.

Quem sou eu

  1. Inglês (nativo)
  2. Médio
  3. Técnico/Ciência/Engenharia
  4. Agnóstico
  5. Solteiro
  6. Eu não tenho filhos
  7. Não tenho certeza
  8. Não fumo
  9. Socialmente

Personalidade e interesses

  1. Intelectual/Inteligente, Persistente, Tranquilo/Tímido, Sério/Responsável
  2. Ciclismo, Caminhadas/Trilhas, Levantamento de pesos
  3. Filmes/Vídeos, Videogame
  4. Americana, Churrasco, Italiana
  5. Clássico, Dance/Eletrônica, Rock Pesado & Metal, Trilhas Sonoras
  6. Ficção, Não Ficção, Novelas

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