
Woonsocket, Rhode Island, Estados Unidos

Homem de 56 anos procurando mulher de 18-35
  • Altura: 5'10" / 177 cm
  • Peso: 291 lbs / 132 kg
  • Tipo de Corpo: Grande
  • Cabelo: Castanho-claro, Curto
  • Olhos: Azul
  • Etnia: Branco/Caucasiano
  • Signo do Zodíaco:: Gêmeos Gêmeos

Ativo dentro de 11 meses
18 de maio de 2023
Membro desde:
18 de maio de 2023

Nome de usuário: Bigguy
ID de membro: 1204143
Denunciar Abuso

Avaliação do perfil:


Ativo dentro de 11 meses
18 de maio de 2023
Membro desde:
18 de maio de 2023

Nome de usuário: Bigguy
ID de membro: 1204143
Denunciar Abuso

Avaliação do perfil:


Minhas Fotos

Quem sou eu em minhas próprias palavras

I am a down-to-earth guy in old-fashioned I love opening up doors for the lady pulling out chairs helping take a coat off helping put a coat on I enjoy outdoors camping fishing taking drives bike riding I also enjoy cooking cleaning up and around the house gardening I'm also a very affectionate individual very affectionate honest caring loyal respectful I'm looking for someone that has the same qualities as me who wants to be adventurous who wants to enjoy life who wants to be loved as much as I do someone that we can go old with each other and be by each other's side through thick and thin to go to bed to laugh or cry

Sobre o meu par

I like to meet a woman that is very adventurous someone who is looking for a guy that helps run the house someone who enjoys their company someone who is happy when I see me walk through the door or just in general wake up on the side of each other in the bed or outside camping or any place at a restaurant someone who is affectionate someone who was carrying honest loyal I can't State enough how much loyalty means to be does not lie lies does not go with me I'm a very honest person I expect that person to be honest with me someone who enjoys cooking and can teach me new dishes as well as I can teach her good dishes someone that can work with me side by side through thick and thin no matter what it is whether it's gardening cleaning the house grocery shopping watching TV if that's you I would love to hear from you and you will be treated like a queen with a smile on your face every single day

Quem sou eu

  1. Inglês
  2. Faculdade
  3. Aposentado
  4. Cristão
  5. Solteiro
  6. Não vivem comigo
  7. Não tenho certeza
  8. Tentando parar
  9. De vez em quando

Personalidade e interesses

  1. Aventureiro/Louco/Espontâneo, Calmo, Comunicativo, Conservador, Tranquilo/Flexível/Mente aberta, Elegante, Paquerador/brincalhão, Amigável/Amável, Amigável, Bem-humorado/Espirituoso, Intelectual/Inteligente, Extrovertido, Romântico, Romântico, Seguro de si mesmo, Sensível/Protetor/Carinhoso, Sociável, Sofisticado/Cosmopolita
  2. Ciclismo, Náutica/Vela/Rafting, Dança, Caminhadas/Trilhas, Caça/pesca, Voleibol
  3. Acampar, Café e conversar, Cozinhar, Sair para jantar, Pesca/Caça, Jardinagem/Paisagismo, Reuniões/Amigos, Filmes/Vídeos, Museus e arte, Música e Shows, Baladas/Dançar, Jogar cartas, Videogame, Assistir a esportes
  4. Nenhuma preferência
  5. Country, Discoteca, Easy Listening, Antigas, Pop, Rap/Hip hop, Reggae, Soul/R&B
  6. História em Quadrinhos, Revistas, Jornais

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