
Washington, District of Columbia, Estados Unidos

Homem de 50 anos procurando mulher de 28-55
  • Altura: 5'8" / 172 cm
  • Peso: 205 lbs / 93 kg
  • Tipo de Corpo: Alguns quilos acima do peso
  • Cabelo: Loiro, Curto
  • Olhos: Mel
  • Etnia: Branco/Caucasiano
  • Signo do Zodíaco:: Touro Touro

Ativo dentro de 2 meses
9 de março de 2024
Membro desde:
9 de março de 2024

Nome de usuário: Darin4Love
ID de membro: 1259448
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Ativo dentro de 2 meses
9 de março de 2024
Membro desde:
9 de março de 2024

Nome de usuário: Darin4Love
ID de membro: 1259448
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Quem sou eu em minhas próprias palavras

Let's embark on a journey through the pages of "About Me," shall we? Picture this: a passionate lover of the outdoors, capturing thoughts within these digital confines. That's me. I see myself as an adventurer, embracing the spirit of an action hero, whether it's exploring nature's beauty or taking on challenges in the city. I'm the one you can count on.

Now, here's the twist: I'm a fishing enthusiast with a touch of seasickness – an unexpected combo, I know. Imagine me, bravely navigating the waves, until a playful sea humbles me. The thrill of sailing down the Potomac River becomes a humorous dance with the waves and a reminder that life's best moments often come with a sprinkle of laughter.

But don't fret, I'm on a health journey that could rival any fitness influencer's feed. I'm sculpting this body with exercise, mindful eating, and the occasional battle against my sweet tooth. Who can resist a dessert showdown? Think of me as the "nutrition warrior," striving for balance in every bite.

Architect by day, dream weaver by night – that's my secret identity. Crafting awe-inspiring spaces that rival even nature's wonders. A builder of creativity and an architect of dreams, I add my touch to the world. But enough about my professional side – let's delve into my character.

Imagine a heart full of kindness, a soul that sparks laughter, and a yearning for romance. That's me. With charm, compassion, and an honest touch, I'm the life-loving package that brings joy to every moment. If life is a grand stage, consider me the entertainer, ready to draw smiles and make hearts dance.

Did I mention I'm a perpetual learner? Curiosity is my compass, guiding me towards new horizons. I've deciphered the art of relationships: shared passions, emotional fireworks, and a sprinkle of intimacy. The ultimate recipe for a meaningful connection. If this resonates with you, don't hesitate – let's script our own adventure. 🚀

Sobre o meu par

I'm on the lookout for a woman who embodies an intoxicating blend of warmth, intelligence, and a burning passion for life. I crave someone who not only appreciates the beauty in grand adventures and quiet moments but revels in the sensual pleasure found in life's simple joys.

Intellect and curiosity, fused with a sensuous curiosity, are qualities that set my heart ablaze. I firmly believe that stimulating conversations should ignite not just the mind but the passions within. Whether we're delving into the pages of books, sharing tales of our most thrilling travels, or exploring new hobbies that awaken our senses, I'm eager to engage with someone who possesses an unbridled passion for learning and growing in every aspect of life.

A magnetic sense of humor, with a dash of flirtatious wit, is non-negotiable. Laughter isn't just the best medicine; it's the secret ingredient to an electrifying connection. I envision sharing not only smiles but moments of intimate levity with my ideal partner. I'm irresistibly drawn to someone who not only values kindness, compassion, and authenticity but infuses our connection with a deep sensuality, creating an environment of both support and passion.

Family-oriented and nurturing, she comprehends the profound significance of meaningful connections and cherishes the bonds with loved ones, creating an atmosphere where love and desire coexist harmoniously. If you're a woman who appreciates the delicate equilibrium between independence and shared sensuality, ready to embark on a journey where passion and companionship intertwine, then I'm eagerly anticipating the pleasure of meeting you and uncovering the irresistible qualities that make you uniquely captivating.

Quem sou eu

  1. Inglês (nativo), Espanhol (básico)
  2. Mestrado
  3. Construção/Agricultura/Paisagismo
  4. Luterano
  5. Divorciado
  6. Moram comigo
  7. Não tenho certeza
  8. Não fumo
  9. De vez em quando

Personalidade e interesses

  1. Tranquilo/Flexível/Mente aberta, Paquerador/brincalhão, Amigável/Amável, Amigável, Bem-humorado/Espirituoso, Intelectual/Inteligente, Descuidado, Otimista, Prático, Tranquilo/Tímido, Romântico, Sensível/Protetor/Carinhoso, Sério/Responsável, Espiritual
  2. Náutica/Vela/Rafting, Futebol americano, Golfe, Caminhadas/Trilhas, Hóquei, Caça/pesca, Jetski, Mergulho, Futebol, Natação/Mergulho, Levantamento de pesos, Ioga/Meditação
  3. Acampar, Sair para jantar, Pesca/Caça, Jardinagem/Paisagismo, Passatempos e artesanato, Filmes/Vídeos, Música e Shows, Viagens/Turismo, Videogame
  4. Americana, Churrasco, Cajun/do Sul, Caribenha/Cubana, Chinesa, Grega, Indiana, Italiana, Mediterrânea, Mexicana, Do Oriente Médio, Frutos do mar, Do Sudoeste, Espanhola, Tailandesa
  5. Acústica, Alternativa, Blues, Rock n' Roll Clássico, Country, Dance/Eletrônica, Rock Pesado & Metal, Rock n' Roll Moderno, Rap/Hip hop, Rock
  6. Ficção, Revistas, Novelas

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