
Omaha, Nebraska, Estados Unidos

Homem de 35 anos procurando mulher de 18-45
  • Altura: 6'0" / 184 cm
  • Peso: 216 lbs / 98 kg
  • Tipo de Corpo: Atlético e tonificado
  • Cabelo: Castanho-escuro, Longo
  • Olhos: Mel
  • Etnia: Branco/Caucasiano
  • Signo do Zodíaco:: Câncer Câncer

Ativo dentro de 6 meses
7 de agosto de 2023
Membro desde:
31 de julho de 2023

Nome de usuário: USAGUCCILIXXX
ID de membro: 1216181
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Seu voto:

Ativo dentro de 6 meses
7 de agosto de 2023
Membro desde:
31 de julho de 2023

Nome de usuário: USAGUCCILIXXX
ID de membro: 1216181
Denunciar Abuso

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Minhas Fotos

Quem sou eu em minhas próprias palavras

I am here for you to do it with me please let me know you're ok with me and my family so they don't n leave you alone because they are very adamant about what you want and possibly try right now. who cares at the end of a long hard day ord icky is you on me and me in you baby girl wants to see me again thats awesome! IF only as friends that touches me too just indifferent way regularly ok.

Sobre o meu par

HAPPY to be alive a zest for life seize the day and cheery disposition with positive outlook even when Gray clouds gather she says if it storms we'll just dance in the rain baby. she's my sunshine and the end of the rainbow on one and as beautiful as she is outwardly knowing her from deep inside makes her appearance that much more beautiful she has integrity and wisdom and the way she looks at me or shows me that I'll never have to worry about reaching for her and grasping air she always be there she's selfless and kind and generous feels love she memorizes every part of me with kisses like floating on wings of a dove she matches my energy and every owns of effort that I put forth it's like an ongoing contest to see who can shower the other with love and affection and give the perfect gift for no reason she's the one that I save my heart for and she emotions with the key that only she possesses she doesn'tsay I'll try or come up with excuses that are solutions when I don't have time to explain myself she just does what I say and doesn't ask why he does all this gracefully to her it's easily and standard. there's only one part of her that she must have and that I feel shallow and superficial for needing but I've accepted that it's without it I'll never be happy and that is a juicy booty a bubble butt plump rump fat ass apple bottom onion bloom that I can worship and She can claim her rightful place upon her majesty's throne her love seat my face A look of ASSTONISHment AT THE ASSET set before me for the taking. LASTLY she lives and dies by the code of America and nose not only knows and believes but has in her DNA the belief that loyalty above all else but honor is what life is all about in relationships she couldn't disrespect me if you tried

Quem sou eu

  1. Inglês (nativo)
  2. Mestrado
  3. Design/Marketing Visual/Artes Gráficas
  4. Hindu
  5. Solteiro
  6. Eu não tenho filhos
  7. Não tenho certeza
  8. Não fumo
  9. De vez em quando

Personalidade e interesses

  1. Aventureiro/Louco/Espontâneo, Artístico, Comunicativo, Compulsivo, Tranquilo/Flexível/Mente aberta, Excêntrico, Elegante, Paquerador/brincalhão, Amigável/Amável, Amigável, Intelectual/Inteligente, Otimista, Persistente, Indeciso, Tranquilo/Tímido, Romântico, Romântico, Seguro de si mesmo, Sensível/Protetor/Carinhoso, Sério/Responsável, Sofisticado/Cosmopolita, Espiritual, Falador, Pouco convencional/Espírito livre
  2. Ciclismo, Dança, Caminhadas/Trilhas, Patins, Artes marciais, Esquiar, Natação/Mergulho, Levantamento de pesos, Ioga/Meditação
  3. Acampar, Café e conversar, Sair para jantar, Passatempos e artesanato, Reuniões/Amigos, Museus e arte, Música e Shows, Novidades, Baladas/Dançar, Artes cênicas, Jogar cartas, Fazer compras/Antiguidades, Teatro, Viagens/Turismo, Voluntariado, Degustação de vinhos
  4. Churrasco, Cajun/do Sul, Chinesa, Do leste europeu, Fast food/Pizza, Grega, Indiana, Italiana, Mediterrânea, Frutos do mar, Espanhola, Tailandesa
  5. Alternativa, Big band/Swing, Clássico, Dance/Eletrônica, Rock Pesado & Metal, Rock n' Roll Moderno, Pop, Rock
  6. Clássicos, Não Ficção, Poesia

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