
Manteca, California, Estados Unidos

Homem de 72 anos procurando mulher de 45-65
  • Altura: 5'10" / 178 cm
  • Peso: 176 lbs / 80 kg
  • Tipo de Corpo: Acima da média
  • Cabelo: Cinza, Curto
  • Olhos: Mel
  • Etnia: Branco/Caucasiano
  • Signo do Zodíaco:: Leão Leão

Ativo dentro de 6 dias
13 de agosto de 2023
Membro desde:
13 de fevereiro de 2022

Nome de usuário: MarkAlan
ID de membro: 1129108
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Seu voto:

Ativo dentro de 6 dias
13 de agosto de 2023
Membro desde:
13 de fevereiro de 2022

Nome de usuário: MarkAlan
ID de membro: 1129108
Denunciar Abuso

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Minhas Fotos

Quem sou eu em minhas próprias palavras

I'm not very good at describing myself. I think I have every defect known to the male gender. I am mostly laid back but can become focused and intense if I find inconsistencies. I am a true Leo in that I like being the center of my special partner's attention. I grew up without much family support.. my parents were very busy and I kind of grew wild. I didn’t straighten that out until my mid to late 20s.. I stayed away from relationships for a long time while I raised my daughter from eight months old. I think I’ve spent enough time alone in my life. I’m ready to be with someone who enjoys my company, mutually and wants to spend a lot of time together with your partner..

Sobre o meu par

I want someone who is loving, affectionate and open, as well as strong enough to say their opinion, without seeming insecure about it. I want a partner means I want somebody who’s equal with me. I want a loving person who is pretty mellowed out and wants to enjoy life in a slower pace.. I worked most of my life and spent a lot of long hours doing that. I also want someone who is self-supporting I’m not looking for a dependent.. I don’t mean for that to sound as bad as it could sound, but the truth is, I’m not looking for someone who is looking for a sugar daddy. I’ll be glad to be a partner with someone. Enjoy.

Quem sou eu

  1. Inglês (nativo), Espanhol (básico)
  2. Bacharelado
  3. Construção/Agricultura/Paisagismo
  4. Batista
  5. Divorciado
  6. Moram comigo
  7. Não
  8. Não fumo
  9. De vez em quando

Personalidade e interesses

  1. Aventureiro/Louco/Espontâneo, Comunicativo, Compulsivo, Paquerador/brincalhão, Amigável/Amável, Cuidadoso, Bem-humorado/Espirituoso, Intelectual/Inteligente, Prático, Romântico, Romântico, Seguro de si mesmo, Sério/Responsável, Sociável, Espiritual, Falador
  2. Golfe, Mergulho
  3. Café e conversar, Cozinhar, Sair para jantar, Passatempos e artesanato, Filmes/Vídeos, Jogar cartas, Interesses políticos, Videogame
  4. Americana, Churrasco, Cajun/do Sul, Chinesa, Delicatessen, Fast food/Pizza, Francesa, Italiana, Japonesa/Sushi, Mexicana, Frutos do mar
  5. Acústica, Blues, Discoteca, Antigas, Reggae, Rock, Soul/R&B
  6. Ficção, Jornais, Novelas

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