
Okemos, Michigan, Estados Unidos

Homem de 59 anos procurando mulher de 23-40
  • Altura: 6'1" / 186 cm
  • Peso: 216 lbs / 98 kg
  • Tipo de Corpo: Acima da média
  • Cabelo: Loiro escuro, Curto
  • Olhos: Mel
  • Etnia: Branco/Caucasiano
  • Signo do Zodíaco:: Peixe Peixe

Ativo dentro de 2 semanas
10 de janeiro de 2024
Membro desde:
28 de julho de 2022

Nome de usuário: tl97wings
ID de membro: 1158566
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Seu voto:

Ativo dentro de 2 semanas
10 de janeiro de 2024
Membro desde:
28 de julho de 2022

Nome de usuário: tl97wings
ID de membro: 1158566
Denunciar Abuso

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Quem sou eu em minhas próprias palavras

I am new to this site as of 7/27/22. I'm very easy-going, love to joke around and have fun. I'm humble and pretty level-headed. I'm honestly just a nice, considerate guy. I'm a big sports fan. I play drums and I like going to concerts and sporting events. I have been to 43 states, across Canada, the Caribbean on 2 cruises, Mexico 5 times and to Cartagena, Colombia. I have 3 boys, ages 23, 21 & 18, and I don't want to have any more children. Sorry. If you are still raising kids, want kids or you are a model, please don't write to me. With all due respect, I don't want to start over and raise kids again and there are no modelling jobs where I live.
>> I've been on many dating sites only to find mostly fake profiles and women lying about where they live. I would appreciate it if you can send me a photo of yourself holding up a paper with my name on it so I know I am talking to the woman in the profile. Thank you!

Sobre o meu par

You have to speak English. I know a lot of Spanish words, but not fluent. I am attracted to younger, slender women with dark hair, but sometimes a blonde will catch my eye. I'd like to find the biggest sweetheart, someone who is happy, funny, fun to be with, SEXY, AFFECTIONATE, PLAYFUL, PASSIONATE & positive. I am NOT looking for a model, maid or cook, but I hope she is beautiful, tidy and can cook something. I am not attracted to women with fake Botox lips, huge boobs and who wears a lot of makeup. I like natural beauty.
>> Bonus if you're bisexual. << If you write to me, tell me if you are, and don't send me a copy-and-paste letter, they're obvious and so impersonal.

Quem sou eu

  1. Inglês (nativo), Espanhol (básico)
  2. Bacharelado
  3. Empresarial/Start-up
  4. Divorciado
  5. Moram comigo
  6. Não
  7. Não fumo
  8. De vez em quando

Personalidade e interesses

  1. Calmo, Tranquilo/Flexível/Mente aberta, Paquerador/brincalhão, Amigável/Amável, Amigável, Bem-humorado/Espirituoso, Descuidado, Prático, Tranquilo/Tímido, Romântico, Sério/Responsável, Simples
  2. Baseball/Softball, Ciclismo, Boliche, Golfe
  3. Cozinhar, Sair para jantar, Reuniões/Amigos, Filmes/Vídeos, Música e Shows, Viagens/Turismo, Assistir a esportes
  4. Americana, Churrasco, Delicatessen, Fast food/Pizza, Italiana, Mediterrânea, Mexicana
  5. Rock n' Roll Clássico, Country, Reggae, Soul/R&B

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