
Regina, Canadá

Homem de 58 anos procurando mulher de 35-59
  • Altura: 5'7" / 170 cm
  • Peso: 240 lbs / 109 kg
  • Tipo de Corpo: Encorpado
  • Cabelo: Castanho-escuro, Curto
  • Olhos: Mel
  • Etnia: Branco/Caucasiano
  • Signo do Zodíaco:: Escorpião Escorpião

Ativo dentro de 3 meses
30 de janeiro de 2020
Membro desde:
23 de novembro de 2019

Nome de usuário: Knwbuddy
ID de membro: 901468
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Seu voto:

Ativo dentro de 3 meses
30 de janeiro de 2020
Membro desde:
23 de novembro de 2019

Nome de usuário: Knwbuddy
ID de membro: 901468
Denunciar Abuso

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Seu voto:

Minhas Fotos

Quem sou eu em minhas próprias palavras

My personality can be kind of all over the map it seems, from time to time. However in general, I'd say that I have my stubborn tendencies. When I set my mind on something I don't usually stop or let go of it, until I've obtained or achieved it. I am very loyal. If people treat me well, I treat them well. I am very long term focused when it comes to loyalty, as well.
Marriage is a long term commitment. It is for life. We agree to it all on the wedding day. Accepting the other person for all conditions and promise to love them unconditionally. I believe it is for a lifetime and not merely a two, four or ten year contract. It is especially not until you run into a bad moment or until you think you've "grown apart". Grow back together and get your head out of the sand. Nobody says it was to be easy. Both owe it to each other to be there for each other in all situations and circumstances. Not to threaten or abandon them. Again, "loyalty".
I believe in God and I like to make Him a major part of my life. It helps a lot when the person who I am with shares the same beliefs and principles.

Sobre o meu par

I'd like to meet someone who loves me as much as I love them. I want them to be as happy to be around me and do things with me, as I do with them. I've never done a lot of dating in my life. I didn't see the purpose of dating someone if I didn't think that I'd want to marry them. I was always like that. It just seemed like a waste of time to me, otherwise.
I like a happy person and one who smiles beautifully. A smile usually makes me feel great, as I know that you are happy. Which makes me happy.
I want someone who I am proud of and that I want to take everywhere to meet everyone who I meet.

Quem sou eu

  1. Inglês (nativo)
  2. Cristão
  3. Separado
  4. Não
  5. Não fumo
  6. Nunca

Personalidade e interesses

  1. Calmo, Conservador, Paquerador/brincalhão, Amigável, Persistente, Prático, Tranquilo/Tímido, Romântico, Romântico, Sensível/Protetor/Carinhoso, Sociável, Espiritual, Teimoso
  2. Baseball/Softball, Basquete, Dança, Futebol americano, Cavalgada
  3. Café e conversar, Cozinhar, Sair para jantar, Jardinagem/Paisagismo, Reuniões/Amigos, Filmes/Vídeos, Música e Shows, Artes cênicas, Fazer compras/Antiguidades, Teatro, Viagens/Turismo, Assistir a esportes
  4. Americana, Churrasco, Cajun/do Sul, Caribenha/Cubana, Chinesa, Do leste europeu, Fast food/Pizza, Grega, Indiana, Italiana, Mediterrânea, Mexicana, Do Oriente Médio, Russa, Frutos do mar, Soul food/Afro-americana, Sul-americana, Do Sudoeste
  5. Acústica, Cristã & Gospel, Country, Discoteca, Antigas, Rock
  6. Não Ficção

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